Monday, September 8, 2008

Grammar Disclaimer

I just wanted to start this blog off by explaining my blog title. Yes, I know the general term is "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen"; however, this address was already taken. Since my husband is determined to keep me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen (and since having 2 kiddos and 1 en route severly limits one's time to perform the day to day personal activities that some without kids probably take for granted such as clipping one's toe nails *blushes*) and my husband has been known to complain about my "bear claws" (*blushes*) on occasion, I thought it would be a fun play on words to name my blog "bearfoot and pregnant in the kitchen." So, as one of the male talk show hosts that my dad listens to (I want to say Dave Ramsey, but could be wrong and will blame it all on preggo brain if I am LOL) is fond of saying "now you know the rest of the story."

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